44 2033180199

臂神经丛变异发票olving the formation and branches of the cordsoff

Flora M. FABIAN-TAYLOR, Kakarlapudi Sridhar VARMA

This case report is aimed at reporting a rare variation of brachial plexus involving the cords and its branches in the right upper limb. The musculocutaneous nerve was missing. The whole medial cord continued as a medial root of median nerve. The lateral cord gave off the lateral root of median nerve and an additional root joined with posterior cord to form a short common trunk. The short common trunk divided into two roots: one joined the median nerve; and the second one continued down as ulnar nerve. Median nerve supplied biceps brachii and brachialis muscles. The coracobrachialis muscle was supplied by radial nerve. The cutaneous innervation to the upper limb was derived from radial and ulnar nerves.

Peer-Review-Publikation für Verbände, Gesellschaften und Universitäten pulsus-health-tech