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免疫诊断杂志是一个开放访问journa同行评议的广泛范围l publishes original articles, reviews, commentaries, short communications, case reports, editorials, letter to editor and Perspective articles. 免疫诊断杂志 aims to provide latest in-vitro diagnostic methods in the clinical laboratory which are widely used in many scientific disciplines. Our aim is to encourage scientists to publish their latest diagnostics experiments and applications in the field of immunology, Immunogenetics, clinical chemistry, clinical applications, Vaccines and Vaccination, enzyme technology, forensic science, environmental and food analysis. Journal is using online system for manuscript submission, peer-review and tracking of the article. Manuscript acceptance requires approval by at least two independent reviewer’s either from Editorial Board members of the journal or outside experts followed by handling editor.

Author may submit their manuscripts as an e-mail attachment atimmunodiagnos@pulsusgroup.orgoreditor.puljis@rediffmail.com

协会、社团和大学的同行评审出版 pulsus-health-tech