44 2033180199

genicula单方面的不寻常的r branch of the common peroneal nerve with bilateral high division of sciatic nerves and unusual bilateral thickness of peroneal communicating nerve

Md Hassan ALI, Mohamed Hassan EWEIDAH

On dissection of an adult male Filipino cadaver, an unusual genicular branch from the left common peroneal nerve was found terminating in the capsule of the knee joint. Extra care by the surgeon is required to separate this variant nerve from the small saphenous vein and intraneural ganglion during knee operation. A bilateral higher division of the sciatic nerve was observed below the lower border of piriformis muscle. In the cases of popliteal blockage, the knowledge of the variations in the bifurcation of the sciatic nerve is significant. Bilateral thick communicating peroneal nerves were dissected. The sural nerves were very much reduced in size and communicating peroneal nerves largely replaced the innervations in the lower legs. This finding is important because of its use in nerve transplantation. In this case, the presence of an unusual genicular branch is a rare finding. In combination with the other stated findings in the same cadaver makes it interesting.

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